21-15-9 reps
(there's supposed to be a row but we didn't do it)
med ball cleans 20#
wall ball 14#
DB thrusters 25#
I did elite weight on everything but I didn't finish. Whoever Annie is, I'd love to ask her if she was ok at the end of this WOD because I definitely wasn't! The burpees were ROUGH. I need to put a lot of work into them because I feel like a flopping, dying fish when I do them. You'd think because I've been training so much lately for the half that my cardio threshold would help out with burpees but I haven't seen that much of a difference.
The good news is that the 25# DB thrusters felt awesome! Jen did come over to me once and had to remind me to stay in control of the weight or else I would need to go get the 20 pounders but I concentrated more and was able to gain control. I guess I get into the mood of just flying around with dumbbells and instead of keeping my core and entire body tight during the reps, I get distracted. Whoops!
The bad news is that the bottom part of my right leg is super tight and I'm really worried about it. Rogue has a 14 mile run tomorrow and I think I'm injured???!!! It's been hurting since Wednesday when first I thought I was just sore but now it's nagging. Since I still haven't bought a foam roller, I looked up and down the apartment for something to roll out on last night and found a plastic cup. Resourceful! Last night while watching Grey's (it was AWESOME!) I rolled out on that for at least 30 minutes. Pretty painful stuff. It made me realize I should really vaccuum this weekend. :) But once I get home from work I'll probably jump on that cup again. I've heard you can roll out on anything round - rolling pin, tennis ball, etc.
I almost hugged a woman in the 6:00 class who told me that she can see how John's challenge is working on me! It was definitely great motivation to get through these next 2 weeks!
I have a new goal that I want to accomplish my the end of the challenge. I'd love if I could have the fastest time for one of the women's WODs so my name will be on the CFW twitter page! It's kind of vain and not the best goal because it's based on how other people do too but it'd be another CF accomplishment!
What's up?
12 years ago
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