Alrighty folks, bear with me. I have half written posts about my Level 1 cert, the Whole9 nutrition workshop, Sicfit Austin, and overall food ideas but right now I want to talk about weaknesses.
A few months ago I was a met con lover. I was a happy camper with body weight resistance exercises, box jumps, or short sprints. But when heavy wods showed up on the whiteboard I almost wanted to skip class or would do a workout with a "let's just get this over with" attitude. Then, CrossFit Central changed their programming to add strength sets at the beginning of class. My favorite 20 minute chippers, frolicking around inside and outside of the gym were no longer part of the programming and I had to deal with it. The reason why I didn't like the heavy workout days was because I was bad at them. Seriously, who wants to do something that they're terrible at?
So I didn't have any other choice but to work on it. CrossFit teaches us to work our weaknesses and exposes us to what they are. Tony Budding wrote:
"The goal of CrossFit is increased work capacity across BROAD time and modal domains. Our methods are constantly varied, functional movements executed at high intensity. Best results are found with a slight bias toward chasing weaknesses, not avoiding them.
This means that we should all train heavy some of the time. We should also train light some of the time. We don't see top performing CrossFit athletes training narrow bandwidths for extended periods: It simply doesn't give the best overall results."
But you know what's funny about training your weaknesses? They become your strengths. The movements that you absolutely can't stand, when practiced over and over again become those that you enjoy and look forward to. You just have to do it.
Guess what I did yesterday? I got to train my weaknesses with Zach at SicFit Austin and I loved every moment of it! Sure, it was hot and sometimes I feel like I'm going to die but I got to throw heavy weight around and try new things. For the first time, I put a clean and jerk together and it was hard but empowering and just gave me an overall sense of accomplishment. Day by day things are getting done at that gym that are going to ripple into all parts of life.
I don't always like the workout whether it be on my own, at CFC, or Sicfit, but you know what? I don't always like broccoli either and I know it's good for me!
Train your weaknesses. You never know what you're going to end up liking!
What's up?
12 years ago